EU Funds Continue to Reduce Costs – At Low and Varying Pace
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU financial markets regulator and supervisor, today publishes its seventh market report...
Stay current with the latest regulations and compliance requirements affecting the financial industry, including changes in laws and regulatory agencies’ actions.
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU financial markets regulator and supervisor, today publishes its seventh market report...
Lewis Silkin LLP | Zoe Ingenhaag | Hannah Price When setting yourself up as an employer in Great Britain it...
The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) announced today the publication of a new GFIN artificial intelligence (AI) reportwhich they...
Osborne Clarke | Tracey Wright | Alex Makinson | Lizzie James | Veronica McMahon Long-awaited guidance from HMRC provides welcome clarification for...
The Need for RegulationThe Digital Services Act (DSA) emerged in response to the rapid expansion of digital platforms and...
The FCA has set out proposals to make it easier for listed companies to issue corporate bonds that wealth...
What is Corporate Sustainability Planning? Corporate Sustainability Planning is a strategic approach businesses use to operate responsibly in environmental...
Osborne Clarke | John Buyers | Emily Tombs | Robert Guthrie | Tamara Quinn | Robyn Trigg Government proposes changing copyright law to facilitate...
Wiggin LLP | Lucas Ford On 1 January 2025, the digital markets landscape will undergo a transformative change with...
IFRS 16: Leases, which came into effect on 1 January 2019, represents one of the most transformative changes to...